About Meadowblend

Meadowblend Farm is owned and operated by Glenn and Geri Hochstetler and their 6 children.  It is a small family operation, and the animals are treated very well, given lots of space to roam around, there’s no need for (and thus no use of) any kind of hormones, antibiotics, and the like, and the animals eat a healthy, natural diet.  (They model their practices on Joel Salatin’s methods of “grass farming”).  So one can be assured that the products are humanely raised, better than organic, and taste terrific!  Moreover, since it is such a small operation and we pick up the food ourselves, the prices are a fraction of what one would pay for similar quality products at a store or even a farmer’s market.  And, by periodically driving out to the farm to pick up the products, you can actually see with your own eyes how the animals you’re eating are being raised.  This makes for a great family outing too!

Click here to see a brief slideshow about life on the farm!

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